Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Been working up a storm of character designs lately, some professionally, and some for personal projects.  Here are a few.  Above is the line-up of a kind of cowboy version of the Labours of Hercules.

 A spritely punk from a personal project.

A moto-girl for a racing game proposal.

And, finally, a (semi-personal?) character design for another game proposal:  It started with the game-play modeled after Snake, and I built the story on top of it.  The furry thing's name is Dash, and he's an alien pilot who steals fuel orbs for his spaceship from these dust mites that work in the mines of his planet. The story was deemed a little too complex by the PTB, which I get, but I made the artist's mistake of falling in love with this guy, so it gave me a little sad when he got rejected.

En väldigt svensk smak: A very Swedish flavor

Much to my possibly misplaced delight, Kalles Kaviar is once again stocked at the friendly neighborhood Ikea.  I got hooked on the stuff while visiting a friend in Sweden a couple of years ago.  The company itself admits it's an acquired taste, but what's not to love about squeezing creamed salmon roe out of a tube?  Here is an ode to Kalles I drew up for a lark: The Nordic goddess Freyja enjoying a light lunch (did you know Freyja was a cat lady? Thanks again, Wikipedia.).  Oh, and I've also been watching Vikings on History Channel (ed note: so good.), which is likely what sent me in this direction.

Bubbles and Wormholes

I've seen enough science fiction to know that time travel energy is always blue.  More like science FACT.  A couple recent examples, for Scholastic's Storyworks: A time traveler meets the inventor of his time machine.

And for Oxford University Press, a dotty professor builds a time machine out of something only slightly less cool than a DeLorean.